12.1.2. Clinical Year Absence Policy

Attendance is mandatory for all 5-week clinical clerkships, including Mini Remote Rotation (MRR) week for core clerkships, clinical year activities, and courses. Students are expected to be in attendance at all clerkships during the hours specified by the clinical preceptor, which may include evenings, nights, weekends, and holidays. Students are expected to be flexible in clinical year activities and keep the clerkship a priority in their schedules.  

Students may request two days for planned absence during the entire clinical year that requires advanced approval by the DCE, using the absence form (Appendix C: Request for Planned Absence). Towards the end of the clinical year, students may request two additional days for planned absences to take part in job interviews. The request for a planned absence should be made at least two weeks prior to the date requested and cannot be taken on any days that include written or practical examinations. In the case of a planned absence approved by the DCE, the student is expected to discuss the absence with the preceptor upon approval from the DCE.  

In the case of illness or other unplanned absence, students must contact the clinical preceptor and email the DCE before the start of the scheduled clinical hours to report the absence. Absence from clerkship, except in the case of illness, emergency situations, religious observances (policy outlined in section 12.3), or approval of planned absence will be considered unexcused and may result in a failure of that clerkship.   

Any missed clerkship days should be made up at the discretion and availability of the preceptor. Frequent unplanned absences may result in an SDC referral for further discussion. Absences due to illness that extend beyond two days will require a note from a medical provider stating the student was seen for illness and is unable to attend their clinical experience. If circumstances arise that require more than the allowed absences, the clinical team may suggest a clerkship delay and/or leave of absence.