10.5.5. Guidelines/Policy When Posting as an Individual

  • Be honest: Tell people who you are. In personal posts, you may identify yourself as a student at the IHP. However, please be clear that you are sharing your personal views and are not speaking as a formal representative of the IHP. If you identify yourself as a member of the IHP community, ensure your profile and related content are consistent with how you wish to present yourself to colleagues.
  • Protect yourself: While you should be honest about yourself, do not provide personal information that scammers or identity thieves could use. Do not list your home address or telephone number. Do not use your IHP email address for social media sites.
  • Do not use the IHP logo or make endorsements without permission. Do not use the IHP logo to endorse political candidates or endorse products or causes.
  • Is your content appropriate?  If the content of your message would not be acceptable for face-to-face conversation, over the telephone, or in another medium, it is not acceptable for a social networking site.