10.2. Professional Conduct Criteria

Professional conduct and development will be discussed during advisor-advisee meetings each semester to facilitate understanding of definitions and expectations. 

Professional conduct is expected of all students during program-related activities as well as when students are representing the Program and the Institute.  Professional conduct is also expected and assessed as part of all practical exams and clinical experiences.  

Professional Conduct is defined by the following criteria:


Students demonstrate responsibility by:

  • Arriving to class, appointments and meetings on time
  •  Turning in assignments on time
  • Knowing and abiding by policies and procedures at the Institute and its facilities, the PA Program and in clinical settings


  1. Students demonstrate professional communication by:
  • Speaking in a way that demonstrates respect for others including classmates, faculty, staff, supervising clinicians, patients and their families, other health professionals and students
  • Demonstrate attentiveness and respect when others are speaking
  • Present and discuss one’s own views in a way that demonstrates respect for those with opposing viewpoints
  • Emails should be composed with a salutation and a signature


Students demonstrate integrity in all learning and clinical environments by:

  • Adhering to Institute and PA Program rules, regulations, policies and ethical conduct
  • Address violations of academic integrity, unethical behavior, improper care of patients with PA Program staff or faculty
  • Accept and respond to critical feedback in a constructive way
  • Respect differences in culture, race, religion, gender identity and disability


Students demonstrate professional collaboration by:

  • Working and contributing effectively with others in a way that helps to achieve goals and objectives