Other Student Grievance Procedures

Students should follow the “Student Grievance Procedure” for disputes about a warning, suspension, or dismissal, or follow the “Resolution of Conflicts” using mediation that is outlined in the Institute Catalog (under the heading “Student Rights and Responsibilities”).

To report sex discrimination (including sexual harassment and violence), students can reference the Title IX Reporting Procedures for Students and contact the Title IX Coordinator for Students. Faculty and staff can reference the Institute’s Sexual Harassment Policy on the Intranet for resolution of complaints and contact the Title IX Coordinator for Faculty and Staff.


To report bias and other incidents (non-Title IX), students can submit an Incident Report form through the Office of Student and Alumni Services. Students must provide their name and IHP email address in the report, which will be reviewed by the Dean of Student and Alumni Services. Students, faculty and staff can also submit reports anonymously through the Institute Input form, which will be reviewed by the IHP President.