31.1.1. Written Examination

Students will complete an End of Rotation (EOR) exam following each core (non-elective) clerkship. The EOR exams are developed by the Physician Assistant Education Association (PAEA). The exam content is reflective of supplied PAEA Topic Lists, Blueprints, and CORE Tasks and Objectives, but is not intended to be all-inclusive. A minimum score of 67% is required to pass the exam and the clerkship. A failure to pass the EOR will result in an automatic course failure, referral to SDC, and the student will be required to remediate and retest the same content, but not containing the same questions. The student must score 67% on the retest to successfully pass the course. Successfully passing the retest will reflect on your transcript as a passing grade, but will still be considered a course failure within the Program. Failure to successfully pass the EOR retest will result in a referral to the SDC and possible dismissal from the Program. Failure of a second clerkship End of Rotation exam (EOR) will result in automatic course failure, referral to SDC, and dismissal from the program.