9.2.3. Student Progress within a Course

It is the responsibility of course coordinators to track students' progress within their courses of record, to meet in a timely fashion with students who are not meeting course requirements, and to make appropriate referrals to the student's faculty advisor and/or the academic support counselor. Students are encouraged to be proactive in seeking assistance if they find they are not performing well in a course.  
The course coordinator is required to notify any student at risk of failing a course. A Notification of Concern (Appendix C) will be issued to all students who earn a failing course grade, before submission of final grades to the registrar's office.  A student who is eligible to remediate a course will receive a grade of incomplete for that course until the remediation process is successfully completed. The maximum grade a student can receive on a remediated course is a 77% (C+). Refer to section 5.4.1 for remediation process.