11.2.6. Accommodations During Exams and Required Class Activities

Students who require accommodations during exams or timed class activities must have on file a current Accommodation Request Form with the Office of Student Affairs and Services for the current semester. Students who are requesting accommodations must follow the procedures established by the Office of Student Affairs and Services, including assuming responsibility for working with course faculty in advance of each occasion for which accommodations are appropriate to arrange provision of accommodations. Students must reapply for accommodations in advance of every semester. Faculty will not provide accommodations except those that are officially approved by the Director of Accessibility Resources and Wellness. If the accommodations require scheduling a quiet room for the exam, the Director of Accessibility Resources and Wellness will notify Program faculty and staff. Program staff is responsible for booking the accommodations rooms and notifying the student. 

Students must be aware that accommodations given in the classroom or during exams are not automatically transferrable to the clinical setting or clerkships. Students are expected to work with the Director of Accessibility Resources and Wellness and the Director of Clinical Education relative to any accommodations requested for the clerkships.