Disciplinary Actions

When student behaviors during fieldwork education courses do not meet acceptable standards, depending on the nature and severity of the infraction, one or more of the following actions may be taken at the discretion of the OTD Faculty:


Fieldwork faculty may notify students of inappropriate behavior either orally or in writing. Such notification may take the form of verbal feedback, documentation in a critical incident report, and/or documentation as part of the student’s fieldwork performance evaluation. The fieldwork educator will also notify the IHP OTD Fieldwork Program that may take additional action.

Notification of Concern (NOC)
The AFWC or CEPSA may issue a Notification of Concern (Appendix E) to the student. If inappropriate behaviors are sufficiently grave or remediation plan expectations for first NOC are not met, a second Notification of Concern is issued, and the AFWC will report the incident or lack of satisfactory remediation plan completion to the Committee on Academic Policies and Procedures for further action (See Referral to the Committee on Academic Policies and Procedures.)

Remedial Action
Fieldwork and/or Academic Faculty may require certain remedial actions on the part of the student as contingency to continuing in the program or passing the fieldwork experience.

Termination of
Fieldwork Experience

Fieldwork Educators and/or the AFWC may choose to terminatefieldwork experience. At the discretion of the AFWC a grade of “F” may be assigned for any fieldwork education course terminated for reasons of unacceptable behavior.


The Committee on Academic Policies and Procedures may dismiss a student from the program because of unacceptable conduct in the academic or fieldwork setting, following due process, written notification, and documentation of the infraction. Students have the right to initiate grievance procedures for disciplinary action, according to the processes delineated in the Institute’s Online Catalog.

Further information on guidelines for conduct and procedures related to disciplinary action are delineated in the Institute Online Catalog.