Professional Behavior Actions

When professional behaviors do not meet acceptable standards, depending on the nature and severity of the problem and the setting within which it occurs, one or more of the following actions may be taken at the discretion of the faculty of the Entry Level OTD or the staff of the department.

Grade Penalty for Breaches of Professional Behavior
Students are expected to adhere to the professional behavior standards outlined in the Technical Standards and Professional Behavior sections of the Program Manual. In addition to receiving a Notification of Concern, a student may receive a lowered grade or a failing grade in an academic or fieldwork course.

Professional behavior is expected consistently from all students in all program-related activities, as well as when the students are acting as representatives of their program and Institute. Professional behaviors will be assessed as part of all courses and fieldwork experiences.

Notification of Concern
A Notification of Concern (NOC) is considered an “o ral w arn in g” as defined in the Institute catalog. A NOC may be issued by any faculty, staff, or administrator who witnesses inappropriate behavior. Copies of the NOC will be sent to the student’s academic or ADE advisor, Department Chair, Program Director, CAPP chair, and Program Manager. The student may be referred to the Committee on Academic Policies and Procedures for review following a first NOC.

Referral to the Committee on Academic Policies and Procedures
If inappropriate behaviors are identified through two or more Notifications of Concern, the student will be automatically referred to the Committee on Academic Policies and Procedures. Following review, the Committee will provide written notification of remediation requirements or disciplinary actions, with timeline for completion. Disciplinary actions per Institute policy may include suspension or dismissal from the OTD program for repeated or egregious professional behavior incidents. Dismissal of a student for professional behavior issues will follow due process, including written notification and documentation of the infraction(s). Written warnings from the Committee are forwarded to the academic or ADE advisor, faculty or staff issuing the NOC, Department Chair, Program Director, Registrar’s office, CAPP Committee members, and Program Manager.