Grade Appeal Policy

The Institute expects that all students be treated fairly and that evaluations of their academic performance, standing, and progress are conducted objectively. The Institute’s faculty are committed to grading and student evaluation practices that are fair, objective, and consistent with the standards required for successful practice.

At the end of each completed course, students earn a final course grade. If a student believes they were unfairly, unjustly, or erroneously treated in the determination of their final course grade, the student has the right to appeal the final course grade.

In all circumstances, students are strongly encouraged to pursue informal resolution of their concern with the relevant faculty instructor or advisor. If these informal attempts to resolve the concern are unsuccessful, then students may follow the appeals procedures outlined below.

Step 1: Attempt resolution with relevant course instructor.
Step 2: Attempt resolution with the program director (for students enrolled as a non-degree student, resolution may be sought with the respective department chair).
Step 3: Request final grade appeal through the School Dean.

The Final Course Grade Appeal Form should be used. Section 1 of the form must be completed by the student and submit via email to the relevant course instructor and copied to the program director (or department chair for non-degree students) within 10 business days of receipt of the final course grade.

Students should refer to their program / School policies and procedures for additional information and guidance on the final grade review and appeals process. The School Dean will determine if the appeal is accepted or denied and communicate the decision to the student. The dean’s decision regarding the appeal is final.