Judicial Board Procedures


Judicial Board Procedures

In the case of an alleged violation of either the Institute’s Academic Integrity Policy, or Guidelines for Conduct, or the School of Nursing’s Code of Professional Behaviors or other policy outlined in the Program Manual, the following procedures will take place:

  1. Incident report
    1. A claimant submits an incident report.
      1. Students should use the Office of Student Affairs and Services Student Incident Report Form.
      2. Faculty and staff may email the incident report to the Assistant Dean for Student Success.
      3. The Assistant Dean will reply to the claimant and acknowledge the submission of the report.
      4. The report will be reviewed by the Assistant Dean for Student Success and the Judicial Board Co-Chairs and determine if a hearing is warranted.
  2. Initiating a hearing panel
    1. The Assistant Dean for Student Success will:
      1. Send notice to the student about whom the claim is made, informing them of the incident report, the alleged violation, and the name of the claimant.
      2. Copies of the notice will be sent to the Judicial Board Co-Chairs, the Student’s Faculty Advisor, and Program Director.
    2. The Judicial Board Co-Chairs will arrange a hearing panel, schedule the hearing, undertake an investigation, and communicate details about the hearing process to the student. Hearings will take place within 10 business days of notice to the student from the Assistant Dean.
    3. Individuals involved, including those named in the report, will be invited to submit documentation to be considered during the hearing. Submission of materials must be made three days prior to the hearing to the Assistant Dean for Student Success.
    4. The Assistant Dean for Student Success will distribute all submitted documentation three days prior to the hearing to the Judicial Board Co-Chairs, members of the hearing panel, the claimant, the Student, the Student’s Faculty Advisor, and the Dean of the School of Nursing.


  3. Hearing details
    1. The hearing panel will be comprised of three faculty members and two students from the School of Nursing; one faculty member will serve as Hearing Panel Chair.
      1. Individuals with a conflict of interest will be recused.
    2. The student may bring one support person to the hearing. The support person cannot be a legal representative or lawyer and may not speak for the student prior to or during the hearing. The student shall provide the name and contact information of the support person to the Assistant Dean of Student Success three days before the hearing.


  4. Hearing procedures
    1. The hearing panel members will meet privately to review procedures and the submitted documentation immediately prior to the hearing.
    2. At the appointed time, the Student, the support person (if any), and the claimant will join the hearing.
    3. The claimant will present the circumstances and conduct which led to the filing of the incident report (20 minutes or less).
    4. The Student will present their case (20 minutes or less).
    5. Panel members may ask questions of all parties.
    6. After the panel has concluded its questions, the hearing will conclude, and the parties will be dismissed.
    7. The hearing panel members will deliberate and determine whether the conduct in question constitutes a violation of an Institute or School of Nursing policy, as alleged. If the panel determines that there has been a violation, it will make a recommendation for disciplinary action consistent with the Institute’s policy on Academic and Disciplinary Actions, which may include, but is not limited to, a warning, suspension, or dismissal from the School of Nursing program.


  5. Post hearing communication
    1. The Hearing Panel Chair will communicate the outcome and recommendations, if any, of the panel to the Co-Chairs of the Judicial Board, who will then communicate the outcome in writing to the Assistant Dean for Student Success within three business days of the hearing.
    2. The Assistant Dean for Student Success receives and reviews the outcome and recommendations.
    3. The Assistant Dean communicates the outcome to the Student within 10 business days of the hearing, with copies sent to the Dean, Program Director, Faculty Advisor, claimant, Dean of Student Affairs and Services, Registrar, and student file. 
  6. Right to appeal
    1. If the student believes that procedures were not adhered to or that they received unfair treatment in the process, they have a right to appeal. The appeal procedures can be found in the program manual.

Updated July 2022