1.1 Admissions Qualifications


All applicants must have completed a Bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited U.S. college or university, or equivalent.  Applicants that have earned a degree from a non-US institution are required to submit a course-by-course credential evaluation, see “Transcript” section.  

Prerequisite Course

There are no prerequisite courses required to apply for this program.  

Applicants are encouraged to have taken a Statistics course and/or have had experience, or familiarity, with computer programming languages, such as R. Your familiarity could have been gained in formal coursework, or through work experience/independent study, but is not required to apply to the program. Please contact the Data Analytics program if you have any questions related to this.

These courses are offered online by the MGH Institute.

  • Statistics (3 credits) (Please be advised this course uses a different statistical software package than the one used/taught in the program.)


Admission decisions are based on prior academic performance (undergraduate and graduate), professional experience (CV or resume), a written personal statement, and 2 written recommendation letters, one of which should come from an academic reference and one from a professional reference. 

Admissions requirements and procedures are subject to change.  The most current application, requirements, and procedures can be found on the MGH IHP website at


MS in Healthcare Data Analytics Application Process and Requirements | MGH Institute of Health Professions (mghihp.edu)




Are there other Conditions of Admission?

Yes. If applicable, final transcripts and test scores must be submitted to satisfy the conditions of admission.