2.3 Enrollment Waiver for Required Courses

Students cannot waive enrollment in any of the required courses.  Usually, required courses may not be taken at an outside institution during the time that the student is in the master’s program at MGH IHP and transferred in. 

Students may petition to be exempt from a required course if they have already taken a graduate level course that covers the same material and they received a grade of “B” or higher. The difference between an exemption and a transfer (see 2.2 above) is that the course that is the basis of the exemption petition may have been part of another degree earned by the student. The exemption petition is available on the registrar’s section of the website.  The student will be required to upload the course syllabus and their transcript as part of the petition.  If the petition is accepted after review by the academic advisor and the instructor of the course in the CSD department, the student will receive an “E” for exempt on their transcript and they will receive 0 credits for the course; thus they must take other elective courses to make up for the exempted credits. On the recommendation of faculty, the advisor may also require that the student attend (without having to register for the course) the equivalent MGH IHP CSD course even though the exemption was granted.