2.6.4 Course Failures

(a) Repeating Courses: Students who fail a course may repeat the course only once. A student may be dismissed from the Program if a grade of “C” or better is not achieved the second time. Withdrawing from a course with a grade of “W” constitutes having taken the course once.

(b) If a student fails a course, the course must be repeated the next time it is offered, usually the following year. A student may file for a Leave of Absence until the semester in which the failed course is repeated. On rare occasions, the failed course can be re-taken at another institution, but the student must petition the Program faculty prior to enrollment.

(c) Continued Study: Depending on which course is failed, and the corresponding course prerequisites, the student may be allowed to continue in the Program, taking some courses the following semester. To do so, the student must present a petition to the Program faculty. This petition must be approved by the faculty, and will be considered only in extenuating circumstances. Students who elect this option will be on academic probation while they are on part-time status (see 2.2.6). No adjustments in courses or course schedules will be made to accommodate a student for these circumstances. Students are responsible for any expenses incurred because of the extended program.

(d) Failure of two or more courses, including clinical experiences, will result in a recommendation for termination from the Program.