2.1.2 Innovation Project Mentor

The Innovation Project mentor is matched with the student at the end of Build semester and following completion of OT892: Innovation Project – Build.  After the student submits a proposal for their project, the student will be matched with an Innovation Project mentor based on the desired skill set for a successful development and implementation of the Innovation Project.


The Innovation Project mentor will remain the primary mentor to the student for the Innovation Project – Improve and Inform semesters, which is the 2nd half (two semesters) of the Post-Professional Program.  This Innovation Project mentor will provide 1 to 1 mentorship to the student, with group mentorship meetings as appropriate.


The Innovation Project mentor will receive training related to the Innovation Project, as well as demonstrate significant experience in the area of mentorship (e.g. Teaching and Learning, Entrepreneurship, etc). All Innovation Project mentors are doctoral-trained.